Valentines Day. It is predictable, reliable, a constant. It falls on the same day every year, and yet somehow I am never prepared for it. You see, I have this guy. He's a good one. The best gift giver of all time, no lie, simply because everything is so thoughtful . He truly pays attention, and it makes my heart do this flutter thing I will never get used to. So starting in January, I make list after list of gift ideas, writing down clues to his heart and doing my best to listen and - gasp - remember. Against my best efforts, nothing on my list is worthy and I end up stressed instead of looking at the truly magical thing about this cheesy hallmark day. In all the drama I created for myself, failed research on the perfect gift and such, I started thinking about true love and why I am driving myself insane over the importance of something to represent my love. Agape love. That is what I have found, first in the best example out there, and then in the blessing He gave me. Agape: sa...