Love you with all my heart and s-o-l-e
What is this, you say? That a blog lover and grammar/literary lover has misspelled a simple word? In her title , no less? Don't fret, I have a point. My husband is the very greatest. I have enormous feet . You have heard them here before, but how do these tie together? For the Bye-Week, my bubs and I went to NYC. What is NYC without a stroll in Central Park? And what is a stroll in NYC in the fall without a great pair of boots? (Is it all coming together yet?) I tend to pack very impractically. Being the stylist I am, I always think I have done an incredible job laying out the weeks clothing, only to find seventeen shirts, sixty pairs of underwear, shoes for opposing seasons and a skirt or something. I never get better. For this particular trip, I got a great pair of boots. They had the bones for something wonderful and I was sure they would accompany my feet in countless adventures. Out of pure excitement, I wore them to my hair appointment the day before our trip. Can I pl...